Wednesday, March 9, 2011


          Another day of parting comes........The children are happy for it's their time for meeting after the study leave.The school is witnessing another ending of an academic year.It seems to remember the famous line by Tennyson"Men may come and men may go but I go on forever ............."The same children when they come back to the school after many years they are guests, visitors,........Standing in the examination hall I can hear them shouting ,laughing,engaging in mock fights.....but silent when their parents or teachers enters...They enjoy their life.When I reach the school today the students were  already there and started their masterpiece works of leg pulling ,making fun ........ Some one called me among them ,one with a smiling face,I recognised him it is one of the most naughty boy in 10th standard.Yes he is Abhijith.He reminds me about writing in his autograph.I said "later".He smiled.I being very lazy about writing autograph wanted to avoid any such occasion.I remember my farewells ,remembers that autographs too which still fills the smell of that school ,college days.....But now it is submerged in the sea of forgetfulness .These children ,they too will forget these days  finding happiness in their present and future ..............wishing you good luck my children.............

Nice Dream My Dream

Dream Dream Dream
I have a little nice dream
I will become a good doctor
I hold my little dream
And do work for it
And do pray for it

                             Ahalya T S

Friday, March 4, 2011

എന്റെ സ്വപ്നം

ഒരു പനിനീ൪ പൂവായ് ഒരു ജന്മം
മുള്ളുകള്‍ക്കിടയിലൂടെ നിത്യശോഭയായ്
ഒരു  പനിനീ൪ പൂവായ് ഒരു  ജന്മം മോഹിപ്പൂ  ഞാ൯
നശ്വരമീ ഭംഗി ഞാ൯ അറിവൂ
എങ്കിലും  അതെ൯  ജന്മസാഫല്യം